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Shaw-NKF-NUH Children’s Kidney Centre (CKC) Annual Camp
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Request for Grants
Request for Grants
Request for Grants
Reference Number: osa3kk028v
Name of Lions Club/Organisation/Individual requesting for LCSF Grant
Submitted By (Your Name)
Contact Number
Email Address
Mailing Address
Project Name
Project Objectives
Why is there a need for this programme/activity/events?
How will these objectives be achieved ?
Who will be the Beneficiaries?
How many Beneficiaries will be supported?
Date of this programme/activity/event to be held
Project Duration
Date of Completion of this programme/activity/event
Total Project Costs
Funds Raised by Lions Club /Clubs/ Individual/Organisation for this Project (Indicate Name and Amount)
Funds to be raised by Lions Club/Clubs/Individual/ Organisation for this Project (Indicate Date funds will sent to LCSF, Name and Amount)
Grant Amount requested from LCSF
How will the activity achieve positive impact for LCSF / Lions Clubs/ Clubs/ Organisation?
Name of Payee for Grant Cheque
Contact number if different from above
Mailing Address of Payee if different from above
Applications must be received by LCSF within 2-3 months before the commencement of the project. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.
By providing the information set out in this form, I/we agree and consent to Lions Community Service Foundation (Singapore), as well as its representatives and agents (collectively, “LCSF”) collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst themselves my/our personal data provided above as well as in the records of LCSF from time to time, and disclosing such personal data to LCSF’s authorised service providers, and relevant third parties for purposes reasonably required by LCSF for donation-related and communication purposes. Such purposes are set out in a Data Protection Policy, which is accessible at or available on request and which I/we confirm I/we have read and understood.
Upon Project completion, please refer to list of documents to be submitted to LCSF for disbursement of the LCSF grant.
List of documents to be submitted to LCSF for disbursement of LCSF grant:
Original Invoices / Receipts
Delivery Orders
Claim Form
Acknowledgement by Beneficiary Organisation
Actual number of beneficiaries supported
A write up of the event on how the activity has achieved positive impact for LCSF/Lions Club/Clubs/Organisation
Testimonials and quotes from beneficiaries / clients / volunteers
Include photos/videos of the event